NAITEC Logistics Lab is designed to experiment with autonomous aerial or ground vehicles and collaborative robots

Due to its geographical location away from Noáin airport, Estella-Lizarra area allows unrestricted outdoor drone flights.

The laboratory is divided into several areas for experimentation and work with autonomous vehicles.

  1. Indoor drone stage: safe enclosure for drone flight and experimentation equipped with UWB antennas.
  2. Control centre: equipment for controlling UAV operations.
  3. Pilot logistics micro-hub: mini-warehouse for the development of logistics applications.
  4. Drone laboratory: construction, repair, test and exhibition space.


Safe flights with drones and other autonomous vehicles within the designated area. Flights in the segregated area. Communication tests between UAVs.
Tests with special autonomous vehicles interacting with each other or with drones.
Experimentation with indoor sensing:

  • UWB positioning.
  • Position control with UWB in real time and in the past (recording).

Experimentation with outdoor sensorisation in the segregated area:

  • Cameras.
  • V2X communication.
  • Other payloads.

Tests related to indoor logistics in industrial environments. Smart Warehouse.

  • Integration of autonomous vehicles and robots in warehouses. Miniloads. Communication between UAVs.
  • AI integration to increase productivity and minimise errors.
  • RFID devices integration.
  • Development of HMI devices for management and monitoring.

Outdoor logistics tests. Urban microhubs.

  • Projects with administrations related to sustainable mobility.
  • IoT applications development.

Fundación I+D Automoción y Mecatrónica ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 100% con recursos REACT UE, a través del programa operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de Navarra, a través del Objetivo Específico 4 «Apoyo a las inversiones que contribuyan a la transición hacia una economía verde», como parte de la respuesta de la Unión a la pandemia de COVID-19.